Lucky girl....I have fabulous in laws who have a fabulous camera and took tons and oodles and bedozens of pictures. And I have assurances that a loverly CDROM is on its way to me sometime before my mother in law goes back to NY next Monday. So, my guess is that the GOOD pictures will come from that source. In the meantime, my big brother was kind enough to weild my camera for part of the event, and I was also able to snap some pictures before and after. Here are just a FEW teasers, and once I have more (and most likely better ones) I'll try to work them into a slide show to post.
Grandma helps Luca practice her walking.
Luca helps open her gifts.
The butterfly cakes (white and chocolate) for the guests.
Luca's ladybug cake.
Ladybug cake = Luca's bitch.
More family.
Still more family.
Mommy and Luca eat strawberries.
Signature mat, to have a picture of Luca added once we pick one out!
Skittles in a garden tin, served with a trowel, to match the spring garden theme.
Paper lanterns.
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