We had a great weekend of doing not much at all, which was a nice deviation from the past 3 or 4 weekends. Last Wednesday was Darrick's last day teaching. Thursday was a day for grading and cleaning up his stuff at work. That night's graduation was met with downpours of rain and 60 degree weather, which was insanely unusual, but the show went on!
Saturday was supposed to be picture day for Luca, but the rain was coming down still in our part of town, so we postponed a few days. That morning I had coffee with Linds, who was in town on her way back to the SLC from La Mehico. We had a blast, and Luca and I got to see her cute kids and hubby, and crash in on her brother, sister in law, and neice. Such great people! We love seeing Linds and Jeff and crew SO much that we're hoping to make a long weekend of it and visit them sometime very soon. :)
By early afternoon, the skies were clearing and the weather was still amazingly cool, so we took my mom with us to the zoo and Pita Jungle. It was a great day, and much different this time because Luca was able to enjoy the animals a bit more than she was last time we went. I took a few pictures but I think my camera ate them :( Anyhow, we wrapped up Saturday by watching UFC. And, Tito Ortiz lost, which was the highlight of the night!
Sunday was low key early in the day, with just grocery shopping and breakfast out in the morning. That afternoon, Brandon and Sydni came over and barbecued for us, which was SO nice of them! Luca had a blast playing with them and showing them all her new tricks, and we had fun just hanging out. Unfortunately, my camera ate those pictures as well. :(
Today we did some housecleaning and had Luca's photoshoot. The pictures were done by a friend of a friend who's starting a business, and we are SO excited to see the final product! Her blog is here:
You can see why we chose to have her do the pictures...she really seems to capture such amazing moments! After Luca's photoshoot, we decided to make use of the little wading pool we bought. Turns out that even though it's small, all 3 of us can get in at once!!! Luca LOVES the pool. She was crawling around, sticking her little chin in the water, biting the sides, and figuring out how to slide over the top to play in the grass. She was SO cute!!! Luckily, I do have most of those pictures, so here are a few:
Happy Memorial Day! We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend.
Too cute! I used to love playing in the pool as a kid. Some of my best memories. looks like a great time. :)
I tagged you for a meme if you have time!
your baby is so cute
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