Monday, January 4, 2010


This year, I'm not doing resolutions. I'm making some serious fucking changes in my life. It's not going to be easy I am sure, but it's time for me to focus on me, and I now have the luxury to do so since I'm not pregnant or nursing anymore. body is just MINE now!

So I'm not making resolutions. I am resolute. And I'm going to share just two of the things I'm focusing on for now. More later, I'm sure, as they shape up and I feel ready to share.

First, I'm going to photograph our family every day. Luca. Rohan. Me. Darrick. Some of us. All of us. The specifics don't matter as much as the goal, which is to catch these sweet years of our lives with my lens every day.

Second, I'm joining some friends in a challenge to drop the baby weight, and I'm determined to make it happen. I've done it before; I can do it again. I want to get back to pre-Romo weight by his birthday in March, then lose another 10 by Luca's birthday in May. It's all about the basics: water, fresh foods, cutting out the junk, moving more, and writing things down. The writing down is KEY for me.

So there you have it. Here's to a happier me, caught on film, in 2010!!

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