Monday, May 31, 2010

What Happened Was This.

It's time for something a little less heavy on here. Or so I want to say, but the truth is this: I want to post about my weight loss efforts of the past few weeks but there's not really much to say. I've been following WW. I've dropped about 2 pounds in the past 3 weeks. And this week I was on track to have a really good loss. I was in the zone counting points, packing breakfast and lunch, and keeping my portions well under control. I was (admittedly, though I know I'm not supposed to) peeking in on my numbers every morning and on track for a 2+ pound weight loss this week. I felt like I'd hit my stride.

And then, I had to put my dog to sleep. And I wasn't hungry anymore, but I really really wanted to drown my sorrows in ice cream. So I gave myself permission to because, dammit, it's not every day you say goodbye to one of your best friends. Thank the universe it's not too....for more reasons than the ice cream's calories.

And then, the very next morning while my eyes were still puffy and red from crying myself to sleep the night before, I went to the dentist, where I was put under, had a crown removed and a post drilled into my jaw because a root canal was failing and hurting, and then had another tooth removed. Surgically. I was ordered not to eat for 12 hours before that, meaning my last meal had been that bowl of sorrowful ice cream. And then I was sent home with care instructions that went like this: "Eat soft foods for the next week until your follow up appointment. Do not eat salty, spicy, or heavily seasoned foods. Some good foods to eat include: pasta with butter, ice cream, pudding, smoothies (no straw), and mashed potatoes."  Right. Pudding. Ice cream. Fruit smoothies (but no fruit with seeds like a strawberry...). Sounds....healthy?

So for this week's WI I was only down 0.6. Not even a pound when I'd been on track to lose 2+. I was disappointed, sure, but a loss is a loss and given the fact I've lived through some emotional and physical pain this week unrivaled by any other week in recent memory, I am going to accept it and move on.

My plan this week still involves soft foods, but I'm going to try for more salads, maybe some tortilla roll-ups, and lots of soft fruits like watermelon and grapes.

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