Monday, December 28, 2009


There's so much I could post about wonderful and fun and lovely it was. How all the presents were torn open and breakfast and coffee served before the sun even lifted its sleepy face above the horizon. How Luca and Rohan wore matching footie jammies and I wanted to snuzzle and nuzzle the warm sweet backs of their necks all morning. How our families spoiled the kids beyond belief or, really, necessity...and how Christmas is not about necessity, thank goodness.

I could write about the brother in law who finally proposed to his beloved. The joy of helping give a Christmas to 7 families in the Valley that would not have had one otherwise, thanks to generous friends and strangers and a job that allows me such luxury of being reminded how truly fortunate I am.

I could write about how it went too fast, and how I wish there'd been more time to savor it. How I am so excited already for next year when Luca can teach her little brother all about Santa and maybe he will get the chance to actually open at least one of his own gifts before she gets to it. How I wish it had been colder, and I wish I'd had more time off and I think this year's tree was the best we've had yet.

But instead, I give you these. And a wish that your Christmas was as Merry as mine!

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