Friday, January 18, 2008

What Not to Wear

I need to go on this show. The other day, I realized I was about to head out the door, in January, with PJ pants and Darrick's shirt on. With this, I was wearing flip flops, with chipped toenail polish showing. I also had my hair in a ponytail. It was 2 pm. I had not yet brushed it.

Yup. Sexy beast.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Have you ever heard Stacey talk about "the pyjamafication of America"? Yeah. I think about that every time I want to leave the house in sweats.

And - this is not to say that I think you *need* the help of the show, but I'll nominate you, if you want me to. I'd love to play the role of "caring friend" during the opening clips.


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